1.  What type of church are you, and where are you located?

CBC is a non-denominational, evangelical, Christian fellowship that loves and serves the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Learn more.  CBC is located at the corner of Route 6 and Willey Road, 4 miles west of Union City, Pennsylvania.  See map.

2.  What time are your Sunday services?

We have prayer at 9:45 am, an adult Bible class at 10 am, a break from 10:45 until 11 am, and then singing followed by a message from God's Word starting at 11 am.  All are invited to a potluck lunch and time of fellowship at 12 noon.  Learn more.

3.  What do you offer for kids and youth?

Children ages 3 to 12 have a morning Sunday School program, which runs concurrent with the adult prayer time and Bible class.  Children join us in the sanctuary at 11 am for singing and the sermon, during which they often follow along or complete coloring pages and worksheets from their earlier Sunday School program. We also have a safe and secure nursery for infants and toddlers.  Learn more.

4.  Do you offer Small Groups?

We pray for one another and discuss the Bible together during our Sunday morning prayer and Bible class. We often continue Bible discussions after the sermon during our weekly potluck lunch. Our families fellowship and enjoy outings together at various times of the year.  If you are looking for a place to plug-in and build relationships, we welcome you.  For more information, please contact Pastor Chad Capela during Sunday services or call (814) 438-3066.

5.  How should I dress and do I need to bring a Bible?

There is NO dress code for services - some choose to dress more traditional while others dress casual.   You are welcome to carry your personal Bible but NKJV Bibles are available in the sanctuary.

6.  What about giving?

CBC does not "pass a plate" for collections.  One offering box is located at the rear of the sanctuary for those who wish to give.  

7.  Do you serve Holy Communion?

Communion, also called "The Lord's Supper," is served at least four times a year at the conclusion of the Sunday morning sermon.

8.  Do you practice water baptism?

The symbolic ordinance of water baptism is encouraged for all believers who have placed their personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.