

Our Aim

In the midst of our Sunday services, we seek to glorify God by helping every individual in attendance (child, youth, and adult) to know the Lord and grow in their relationship with Him.  We pray that all those attending CBC will turn to God in repentance, receive by faith His free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, and evermore "be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossians 1:9-10 (ESV)

The Schedule

Our church services are very simple and fairly consistent.  We love our Lord and Savior very much and so focus our time together around expressing our love through prayer, praise, devotion to His Word, and fellowship with other believers. 

9:45 am   Prayer / Children's Sunday School

A time to give thanks to our Lord, as well as lift up our needs and the needs of others to God in prayer.  Submit praises and prayer requests in the foyer at the "prayer table" prior to service.  Learn more.

Children are encouraged to gather downstairs for a Sunday School class. Learn more.

10:00 am   Adult Bible Class / Children's Sunday School (continued)

Bible class teachers lead a video and discussion-driven Bible study in the sanctuary.  Participation is welcomed and encouraged.  Learn more.

Children and youth continue with their Sunday school class downstairs, singing songs and learning lessons from the Bible. Learn more.

10:45 am   Break

11:00 am   Singing 

All ages gather in the sanctuary to sing praises to our Lord.   Accompanied by our pianist, we sing old hymns of the faith most weeks.  On occasion, Pastor Chad Capela plays the guitar and leads the church in modern praise choruses.  Learn more.

11:15 am   Sermon

Pastor Chad Capela shares an inspired message from God’s Word.  He preaches from the ESV translation of the Bible and uses a slideshow to assist in teaching.

Children sit with their families in the sanctuary, during which they often follow along or complete coloring pages and worksheets from their earlier Sunday School program.

12:00 pm Lunch

All are invited to stay for lunch and a time of fellowship around the table.

Worth Noting

Dress as you like.  There is NO dress code for our services - some choose to dress more traditional while others dress casual.

Bibles.  You are welcome to bring your personal Bible but NKJV Bibles are available in our sanctuary pews.  If you don't own a Bible and would like one, let us know.  We will gladly give you one.

We do not "pass a plate" which is the custom in most churches.  We do not want our newcomers to feel the awkward pressure to give, nor do we want to focus on money or finances.  We do, however, encourage our body of believers to be good stewards by freely giving back to the Lord from the abundance of what He has graciously given us.  Freewill tithes and offerings are encouraged.  Our offering box is located at the rear of the sanctuary for those who wish to give. 

Getting to know others.  There are several opportunities to fellowship at CBC during our Sunday services: many attendees arrive by 9:30 am and enjoy talking and connecting before prayer time at 9:45 am, there is a break between our Bible class and sermon from 10:45-11 am, and everyone gathers for a potluck lunch and dessert in our dining area from 12-1 pm.

Church announcements.  Special announcements, the welcoming of guests, and upcoming events are announced at 11 am, prior to singing.  Please contact Pastor Chad Capela prior to the service if you have an announcement to share with the church.